Is America becoming unrecognizable?

Yesterday, I took my son to the second story cafe area of our local Publix & four young people who looked to be gang members walked in and sat down next to us. All four had on hoodies and masks-I could not even see their eyes. It was just the 6 of us up there…
I literally had the thought that any one of them could do anything they wanted to either my little boy or myself & I wouldn’t be able to identify them.
Store cameras wouldn’t be able to identify them.
They didn’t take hoods down or masks off even when they ate.
They pushed food up through them. Discomfort won. We left.
America is no longer recognizable and not because those on the Left are so debased that they have lost even their sense of reason.
It is because those on the right have complied. They justified. They bowed.
I’m seriously wondering if even one of our “conservative” politicians ever gave a single thought to how vulnerable the masks would make the women, children, elderly…
The predators can now openly prey with no fear that they can be identified.
Why isn’t anyone talking about that?
I recently asked a local sheriff candidate if he could give me data on rape and violent assault since masks became the norm. He said no one was talking about this or even looking into it.
I asked why.
He said “it’s a good question I cannot answer.”
When NC Republicans permanently suspended the state’s anti-mask law (using S232 as the vehicle) —a law that had been in place for 50 plus years for the safety and protection of the vulnerable—they intentionally created a society in which none of us can go out in public with any certainty or confidence that we won’t become victims of assailants without faces.
They made a deal with the devil to destroy and not protect the vulnerable.
We knew from DAY ONE that masks do not stop the spread of respiratory viruses but they DO embolden crime.
We had not a SINGLE NC legislator courageous enough to express this concern or tell the truth about the mask’s inability to stop the spread of respiratory viruses.
Republican Health Chair, Donna White, came to a GOP meeting and lectured everyone to wear their masks like good little Communists and lied repeatedly about how they stop the spread while multiple other legislators sat and affirmed by shaking heads in agreement.
And now, on the cusp of the primaries, Tim Moore and other Republican incumbents are championing getting the masks off children (671) after telling us for 2 full years that nothing could be done to restrain Cooper because they didn’t have supermajority.
They refused to impeach him.
They refused to use the budget to restrain him.
They passed S232 to make his mask mandate possible.
They passed H1043 to permanently test, track, and trace us and give double indemnity to healthcare workers who have abused us.
They killed H558 in committee which would have prevented countless North Carolinians from losing their jobs and ability to go to school over unconscionable vax mandates violating human rights and Nuremberg Code.
But now, two years in…hundreds of thousands of lives destroyed, jobs lost, college scholarships lost, permanent physical and psychological damage done to children and to the countless vulnerable in all age demographics…they are going to take a stand and “vote to get the masks off children.”
What happened to…”we have to stand down and give the tyrant free reign to destroy because we don’t have supermajority?”
Oh, right, it’s an election year…


Free the Smiles


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