Medical Freedom: We believe that the government and the private sector have no authority to make medical decisions for North Carolina Citizens and our children.  We believe individual body autonomy is a fundamental and unalienable right endowed to us by the Creator. 

Parent’s Rights: We believe that Parents have the right to determine the cultural and moral values taught to their children in school, and Parents alone should provide the final and unquestioned consent for any and all medical procedures, counseling, or therapy provided to their children by any institution or organization.

Education Reform: We believe that Parents should have the right to choose where their children are educated and should have the choice to direct their tax dollars to the educational institution of their choice. 

Sanctity of Life: We believe that life begins at conception, there is ONE race, and we are all CREATED in the Image of God.  As a result, we will passionately embrace all measures to reduce and restrict abortion, which is the killing of a child of the Creator, until this shame is permanently and forever ABOLISHED, and this SIN upon the land is washed from the consciousness of the Nation.

Religious Freedom: We believe that the Federal Government nor the State has the right to limit, suspend, or “prohibit the free exercise” of religious services by executive order for ANY reason, and laws should be passed to restrain the overreach of government power to violate the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. 

Traditional Family: We believe in a Creator who created TWO genders from conception, which are “Male” and “Female.”  We believe that “marriage” is the union of one man to one woman, and that marriage is a holy covenant between 2 people before God.

Private Property Rights: We believe that a primary responsibility of the government is to enforce the laws of the land and to protect private property rights of North Carolina Citizens against illegal search, seizure, and damage.   

Pro-Second Amendment: We believe in the right of the People to keep and bear arms as promised to us in the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution, and that the government has no right to infringe upon this fundamental right of the People.

OSHA Reform:  We believe that federal and state OSHA has no authority to mandate, discriminate against, or penalize any employer or employee for decisions made by employees about their own health.  


Legislative Reform: We believe in the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution that reserves all powers, which are not explicitly delegated to the Federal Government, to the States and to the People.  We believe that legislators have a responsibility to protect Liberty and Freedom as their first and highest responsibility, and reform all legislation that violates the US and NC Constitutions and illegally infringes on the rights of the People.