No More RINO’s - It’s time to step up!

It is absolutely astounding to watch NC Republicans begin to champion election integrity and medical freedom after 2 full years of working hand in hand with Cooper to destroy the people of this state.

We have legislators and “grassroots” groups who have PUBLICLY supported masks and private sector vaccine mandates now holding medical freedom protests as they realize the winds are changing.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so frightening.

How about we NOT FORGET that our REPUBLICAN MAJORITY NCGA has voted for progressive communism lining up with Cooper every step of the scamdemic for the last 2 years.

It is a Republican majority legislature that gave us masks making businesses the enforcement arm of the tyrannical order. (S232)

It is a Republican majority legislature that gave us testing, tracking, tracing bringing liability to the front door of businesses (H1043).

It is a Republican majority Council of State that gave us the vaccine lottery.

It is a Republican majority NC House and a Republican majority NC Senate who have done absolutely NOTHING to expose the vaccine genocide.

It is a NC Republican majority House and Senate who refuse to give an answer as to why they are participating in and endorsing an abortion derived and developed “vaccine” while claiming to be the “Pro-Life” party. (Remember Senator Burgin bouncing in the Johnston County GOP meeting March 2021 asking excitedly who all got their shot?!!) DISGRACEFUL!

It is a NC State Republican Party GOP leader, Michael Whatley, who told all Republicans to go get their abortion derived experimental mRNA gene therapy injections.

It is Republican Senate majority leader, Phil Berger, ( Johnston Senate candidate, BENTON SAWREY'S MENTOR) and Republican Speaker of the House, Tim Moore, who did a commercial with the Democrat minority leaders encouraging all North Carolinians to take the injections.

It is a Republican majority NC House and Senate who have done absolutely nothing to get the truth out about Ivermectin/therapeutics in order to save lives and end the fear and control.

It is a NC Republican majority House and Senate who have REFUSED to have medical freedom hearings like the ones done in multiple other states and in DC so that the truth of the vaccine and hospital genocide and life saving therapeutics will finally be “allowed” to be spoken and heard in public and wouldn’t even show up when we held them on our own dime.

It is a Republican majority House and Senate that did ABSOLUTELY nothing to help protect the people of NC from losing their jobs to criminal vaccine mandates in public and private sectors. (Now the Republicans want to make masks CHOICE and only have private sector employers force the poison jabs on their employees) !!

It is Tim Moore’s REPUBLICAN majority NC House that killed H558 in committee then blamed Cooper for vetoing a bill they didn’t even try to pass. (NC Republicans care more about lining their pockets with lobbyist money from big Pharma and the western industrial medical complex than they do protecting constitutional rights including the fundamental right to body autonomy.)

It is a Republican majority NC senate that killed H572 in committee because “internal polling showed as many NC Republicans want mandates as don’t…

It is a Republican majority NC House and Senate that have done NOTHING to stop the economic, medical, educational, and social destruction and ongoing discrimination against North Carolinians who won’t mask or take the injections.

It is a NC Republican majority House and Senate who have done nothing to address the Age of Consent for minors to be injected with “licensed” vaccines without parental presence or consent.

It is a NC Republican Majority House and Senate who remain silent even today as the injections are now given to babies as young as 5. They won’t even speak up as they now actively come for our children. COWARDS!

What is the NC Republican Majority response to the state wide Medical Apartheid and constant CRUSHING blows to human and constitutional rights under the threat of a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate?


DO AS THE CDC, FDA, NIH, and Cooper/Cohen (and now Kingsley) tell you…


Find a different job.
Find a different school.
Find a different healthcare provider.
Accept your new role as a second class citizen.

Maybe we will help you in 2022 if we get back our “supermajority” of 72 and 30. (How many times have we heard John Bell, JoCo GOP chair and activists drone on repetitively about this)

Until then we won’t even try.

If North Carolinians think RINO Republicans are the answer, they haven’t even begun to identify the problem.

God forbid true NC conservatives go to the polls and reward the incumbents by re-electing them after they have done nothing but support either actively or by silent consent the crushing blows to liberty, constitutional governance and basic human morality for nearly TWO FULL YEARS.

God forbid true NC conservatives elect challengers who have also participated in or remained silent in the tyranny of the last two years and who are now grifting, claiming to be champions of liberty. It’s absolutely disgusting to watch.

Step up and run.

Replace them all.

It is still not to late to throw your hat in the ring.

Redistricting is NOT settled.

Candidate filing is supposed to start 2/18.

Fill out a NCGG survey today. Help us replace them all and reclaim NC for conservative Christian constitutional government.


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