What is your #1 priority?

Imagine a world where the number #1 priority of parents was the character and spiritual condition of their children and not “education”.

It never ceases to amaze me how often I hear people plainly state that the most important thing to them as parents is that their children receive a “good”education.

I always ask, “What is a good education?”

The answers are always the same. Academic subjects are rattled off followed by age stratified success markers. It always culminates with a conversation surrounding college followed quickly by entry into a successful career and the acquisition of personal wealth as a result of said education and ensuing successful career. Marriage is rarely mentioned as a goal much less character or spiritual condition.

The problem with all of this, of course, is that the Bible doesn’t define success using any of the carnal markers of the cultural hamster wheel.

In fact, few realize that the apostle Paul actually encouraged blue collar work. (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12).

Jesus was blue collar. His disciples were blue collar. Paul was blue collar.

American believers like to snub their noses at that and trade biblical principles for the American dream believing we know better than the perfect teaching of God’s instruction written in the ancient text.

How well is that working for us?

We live in a generation in which fewer than 10% of all people who consider themselves Christians and even attend church on a regular basis are biblically literate.

According to Barna studies, fewer than 10% can even pass a basic biblical worldview test.

Education has become the god of our era.

We worship this god with our whole being so much so that we sacrifice our children to it.

This god has come to require everything of us. Not just our full devotion but the sacrifice of our children-body, soul, and spirit.

Never has this become more obvious than in the last two years.

Masking, social distancing, testing, tracking, tracing, quarantining, injections-disparate treatment toward any student who won’t be given over to any and all of the above…and the vast majority continue to comply…and complain…


It has to be because the cultural devotion to the god of our era is so intoxicating that only a handful can see it for what it is-a demonic delusion that is destroying an entire generation of children far more radically and aggressively than ever before in American history.

It is time that Americans reevaluate their priorities.

It is time we reevaluate ideas surrounding success.

It is time we reclaim our children and we redefine education.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, not a college education.

The reason our nation has been captured by demonic darkness is simple. We collectively handed our children over to the State to be taught that god is dead and success can be measured in terms of diplomas.

And so has begun the death of a nation.

Find the courage to break the cycle and reclaim your children from a counterfeit “education” and raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord, teaching them the law of God morning, noon, and evening. (Deuteronomy 6.)

Save them from government schools and the lie that success can be defined or measured by the culture.

Lay down your own life, your own ambition, your own view of success and sacrifice for the sake of your children. You will never regret it…

Matthew 18:6


Educate Yourself


Looking Upward