NC “Republican” Party line…

Went to Cracker Barrel last night and was told by an employee that the company requires all of their employees to show proof of vaccination/vaccine passport or be punished by having to wear a mask. 

Will NEVER again darken the door of a Cracker Barrel or any other restaurant participating in this kind of discrimination or human rights abuses.

South Carolina is proposing a bill to make this kind of discrimination illegal. We will follow it closely.

North Carolina will NEVER do such a thing under current RINO leadership.

NC GOP leader, Michael Whatley wants you vaxxed up

NCGOP House and Senate Leaders want you vaxxed up.

The official NC “Republican” Party line is “Protect private employers rights to force injections and masking as a condition of employment.”  

Don’t like it?

Comply, leave the state, or find a different job.

Next time you go to a GOP meeting to hear the candidate stump speeches, ask them about this.

Ask Ted Budd.

Ask Michael Whatley.

Ask Mark Walker.

Ask Phil Berger.

Ask Tim Moore.

They will all tell you the same thing. “Businesses have rights…”


Show me that in the Constitution and we will talk.

Vote them OUT!


Our sacred duty is to God.


Do you believe government schools can be reformed?