Our sacred duty is to God.

Our founders established an unparalleled nation in which duty to God, fellow man, and the Constitution IN THAT ORDER were affirmed as the sacred duty of the Patriot.

Today, God, fellow man, and the Constitution have been wiped from the agenda and we are told that our sacred duty is to a party.

It’s a both a lie and an existential threat to our once great nation to believe that our loyalty is to a Party.

Reclaim the truth.

Our sacred duty is to God.

The one and only God of the Bible.

Our duty to fellow man cannot be redefined by culture or by the whims of a Party but has been written in the immutable ancient text that is the very Word of God. 

Loving your neighbor isn’t wearing a mask or taking a vaccine or sheepishly complying with Communist Public Health Policy.

It’s telling the truth that there is but one God and one way to God and His name is Jesus.

It is preaching that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.

It is walking in obedience to the truth that we preach.

It is asking for forgiveness when we fail.

And it is getting up and doing it again tomorrow.

May we ALL re-evaluate our loyalties and our sacred duty.

May we all repent of our sins and beg God to heal our land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

May we all admit that the institutions of man have fallen including the two party political system but the decree of the LORD is forever. (Psalm 148:6).

May we not fear suffering for doing good and for telling the Truth. 


Truth never changes no matter how many people demand it be compromised for the sake of worldly gain.

Hold the line.


NC “Republican” Party line…